On the weekend I bought myself another camera - a Polaroid 636 Close-up. It was $5.00 - plus petrol, so probably about $6.70 all told. Mint condition with original packaging (not that I'm a trainspotter or anything). It's a poor cousin to my SX-70 - which
Sharyn still has - but the film it uses is still available and you don't need to make any modifications (unlike the SX-70). And it was only $5.
I'm lucky to have
some nice trees in my backyard, despite the fact that I've been threatening to pull them out since I moved in. But they mean I can try a new camera/piece of equipment without resorting to the standard
Here are a couple of shots of said trees from my new camera.

And one of (some of) my camera collection. Minus the new camera cos I was using that to take the photo. There are another 8 or so cameras missing, some cos I use them fairly regularly, some cos I'm too lazy to tidy up after myself all the time.

And to change subject somewhat, Jo, one of my Wanganui friends, was kind enough to
blog me, so I'm returning the favour - permanent link on the left.
Hey, I may be able to give your camera back to you soon. I bought one on trademe... now I just hope it works.
yay. trademe to the rescue yet again
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