As I've stated before I can be pretty
secretive guy when it comes to
what I'm working on.
One of those secret projects (previously mentioned
here) opens tonight. So if you're in the vicinity of the
St James between 6-8pm tonight come pop along, tell them I sent you.
Recently a council bylaw was passed stating that all Wellington residents and visitors have to visit the site on at least two occasions - once during daylight, once at night. You are also required to stand around, look intently (and intelligently), murmur occasionally, and make pretentious statements about NZ identity, the nature of photography, and the role of Art in public spaces.
It's been a really exciting project to be involved with, and I'll almost certainly be blogging about it more over the next few days/weeks.
I have co-curated the work alongside my previously mentioned council
advocate. Again it was largely an organisational role, though Simon effectively lead that. My main role was to find talented individuals whose work could be included in the show.
I think I did a marvellous job there.
The idea was that the entire show was collectively curated by all the participants rather than having one or two people making dictatorial pronouncements about what was and was not suitable work. There were moments of intense debate, especially early on, as people were presenting work, and having it shot down, or exalted. Almost surprisingly some work was instantly accepted by everyone. But then I did ask that person because I thought those images were perfect for the project.
We've been at it for eighteen months, and it's wonderful to see it finally come to fruition.
You have to get along sometime. Soon!!

You may have noticed that I've told you next to nothing about the what the project is.
This will give you little help.
Above are my images in the show. Out of context they'll make no sense. In context they may make no sense. But, not to give anything away, that might just be their purpose. Maybe.
The works are titled "where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? #1" and "where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? #2".
I really have to give a huge and public thanks to
Simon Bush-King, departing WCC Urban Designer, whose idea the project was. As well as designing a lovely inner city space, he has been a huge advocate for public art, and public interaction with and interrogation of the urban environment. He was also the driving force behind
IntensCITY 2007. Sadly for us, and Wellington urban design, Simon is heading overseas shortly to spread his vision around the globe. Thanks mate, awesome job.
Also I need to give an honourable mention to
Eric Holowacz, ex-WCC Arts Programmes and Services Manager, now doing a similar role in
Key West, who introduced Simon and I after hearing very nice things from lots of people about
this. Thanks mate, you started a fruitful partnership.
Oh, and I suppose I should thank everyone else involved who were so willing to be involved and give their time and energy over the last few months. Thanks guys, great job. Let's get pissed.