It happens every now and then.
This one was from John Martin, the Parliamentary Historian.
He is working on a book about the Parliamentary Library, this year celebrating its 150th anniversary.
A few years ago I took some photos there, over the period of a couple of days.

Exciting. For some.
Maybe even for me seeing as I have spent about 8 years of my life working there off and on - usually off mind you.
The room in that top photo has the dubious and unofficial title of having the most paint colours used in any room in New Zealand!
hey tinks, you may well be right. it's been a while since i paid any attention to it (seeing as it's been a long while since i've been there), but it may well be pushing double figures for paint colours. they don't do anything be halves at parliament.
nice. good shots. I only got in there once myself, but remember the colour scheme. i think a friend of mine might have done it .....
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