Thursday 6 March 2008

The Geek

The other day, thanks to my mate Matt, I got to hang out with Flight Of The Conchords for a day. Awesome.

Matt took lots of photos. You may see some around and about in the near future.

I took some photos too - maybe as many as three. Useless photos which have, no doubt, already been trashed by Matt.

As luck would have it I was Bret's stand-in for a couple of shots. Oh the pressure.

This was Matt's comment when he sent this image through, so please bare this in mind when viewing - "Not a great test shot by any means, but here ya go!"

Naturally the finished result will look much better. Not least because it'll have Bret in there instead of me.

Now, of course, Jemaine and I have known each other for ages. All the way back to when my mate Matt started organising weekend basketball. Around Christmas time last year.

Being the geek I am, and taking full advantage of the situation I found myself in, I asked the boys to write my name for me.

And they gratefully obliged. Nice young men they are.

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