Friday 7 March 2008

The Music

Being organised isn't always the best thing to be. Today, for example, I spent quite some time trying to track down a film so I could scan some images to act as a connector between the various elements of today's posting. The film was exactly where is should have been. The problem was that, being so organised, it wasn't where I expected it to be, and it took me some while to work this out.

Photos soon, but for those of you interested, I've been sad enough to upload a catalogue of my awesome (sad/boring/obvious/rubbish) music collection. It's not complete - no tapes or foreign vinyl, and some of the release info is missing too - but I'll get around to tidying it up one day. I've only done it cos I can cos I've got heaps of webspace I might as well fill up with rubbish cos there ain't anyway near enough of that on the web.

This shot was taken on the way back from Auckland after seeing Sonic Youth play at the St James in 2004.

I went up with my mate and we stayed with his brother and sister-in-law, who were then living in Kelston.

I was reminded of this trip yesterday afternoon, in less than happy circumstances. It's not something I really want to dwell on here, suffice to say it was a lovely and sad occasion. It made me not just note my own mortality, but also made me wonder if I have really been all I can be and will be remembered so lovingly. It was also a very good advertisement for having spiritual belief - not that I'm quite ready to renounce my agnosticism just yet. My thoughts go out to the families and friends.

And this shot too was taken on the way back from Auckland after seeing Sonic Youth play in 2004.

Did you like how I connected music and photos and friends like that, while all the time never losing sight of the fact that it's all about me? Pretty clever eh?


microphen said...

for the music?

the thought?

or the photos?

i jest, of course.

a camera in the world said...

I can see the Sonic Youth resonances in the pics. Cool. You made me dig some out and play it again. Thanks.