Okay, who out there remembers
What a ridiculous format that was. I bet if the film and camera companies really thought about digital, the world would never have seen
APS. And that wouldn't have necessarily have been a bad thing.
Here's a funny bit from the above
linked article:
Despite the added features, APS never really caught on with professional photographers because the film area was just too small. The APS film surface area is only 56% of 135 film, and many professionals consider even 135 film to be small.
Did they honestly expect pros to adopt APS?!
One thing I've come to realise, especially after recently scanning a
bunch of 35mm colour neg, and after using the Nikon D300 on my recent
overseas excursion, is that 35mm detail is crap. APS is nearly 100% crappier.
Now some of you will probably be going "Yes, but Mr Microphen, you've been known to use
bloody 110 film which is, like, at least 400% crappier, so quit bagging APS dude!"
Screw you. This is my blog and I'll bag whoever and whatever I like!!
Anyway. Here are a bunch of shots from a disposable APS camera I dragged around the States (though clearly I forgot about it for the first week).
In chronological order. With no notes. Nice.

And there's an amazing prize (which I'll come up with later if I have any need to) for the first person to
correctly name all the locations.