Sunday, 22 February 2009

The Statistics

As many of you know, I am somewhat particular about recording the films I've shot, and have even been known to record details of every image I've made.

Over the past few weeks, since learning how Lightroom actually works, I've been busy scanning negs. I now have scanned my entire OE.

And cos I know you all want to know, I took 3662 photos over the period 25 November 1996 to 8 August 1999 (from memory). Here they are, unedited and in a completely random order.

Now of course, this number doesn't include those grossly underexposed experiments which didn't work out, nor the shots I took on other people's cameras, nor the film I had stolen - F114, 22 December - 24 December 1998, Sevilla, España (it was actually two films, but one was entirely exposed, the other had only had about 4 shots taken on it, and it was stolen along with the camera to which it was attached - that idea of attaching a film canister to your strap for easy film changing is a great idea ... until some prick steals your camera just after you've changed rolls). And it does, naturally, include those (very few) times when someone else managed to get hold of my camera and take photos.

It also includes a couple of rolls shot in NZ in 1998 when I was visiting. Within a month of my leaving this place, my brother decided to announce his engagement, meaning I had to come back. Didn't they realise I was running away!! Anyway, I came back via Europe and Africa so it wasn't all bad.

Here's how it breaks down.
1996 - Hong Kong to Scotland - 145 photos
1997 - Scotland to Malawi - 1053 photos
1998 - Malawi to Portugal - 1636 photos
1999 - Portugal to USA - 889 photos

And ... there's an approximate 60/40 split landscape/portrait layout.

Exciting huh?!

And for something a little different. Some people should keep up with the times. See this, which I blogged a full seven weeks before these art aficionados. I am so obviously ahead of the pack.

At least I was that week.

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