I know it's sad to revisit times past. But I do have a bunch of photos sitting in a folder waiting to be blogged.
And, as I understand it, I'm not actually allowed to publish/exhibit school work in any way without prior consent.
So you aren't ever going to know about the crap I'm making for school, but you're lucky enough to see where I went in January last year. Again.
It was here.

I've been there
before. And I think I'd shot this before. But on this day it was near perfect.

And as a special surprise, I just noticed my
latest review is up. And there are quite a number I believe I neglected to point you to when they were published so
here's a
list of
books I
have read.
There are a couple more on their way, Maybe if I feel like it I'll tell you about them sometime too.
I'm dubious about this not being able to publish/exhibit school work thing. Where'd you hear that?
it was eugene what told us. he was quite adamant. he even said that while we could make blogs they'd need to be private.
suits me anyway cos i'm not that happy with anything i've done so far.
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