I was there the other week, shooting some stuff so that my film developing trip would actually be worth making.
It was exceptionally windy. Okay, it was windy, certainly not exceptionally windy for Wellington south coast, but it was windy enough to make shooting difficult and even with my heavy tripod the 4x5 nearly blew over a couple of times.
Still I managed to get a couple of shots. Not bad shots too even if I do say so myself. Of course they have absolutely no purpose. That's why they're appearing here. On this blog. To give them some reason to exist.

And here's why. Primarily it's because I'm too lazy to separate exposed film holders from unexposed film holders until it's time to develop the stuff. But also, on this particular day, the wind being what it was I was too scared to leave the camera alone for more than a second, having previously experienced the $600 joy of having the camera blow over in the Manawatu wind. Consequently when it came time to shoot, I grabbed the first film holder I saw. Needless to say I didn't actually check to see if I should use it. Naturally it would have been better if I didn't use the first one I grabbed. Naturally I didn't spot the mistake until I'd taken the shot and moved the camera to relative safety. Due to the mistake I was required to move the camera back to relative harm and take the shot which appears above so as to have a non-double exposed version also. Awesome. Thanks Wellington.