Of course that'll mean absolutely nothing to most of you, but that's your problem not mine.

Here are some shots I took on my old Agfa Clack (well it's hardly going to be new now is it?!)

Hmmmm. Nice. Random light leak, soft focus, no exposure control. Fantastic.
Tena koe ehoa
This sounds like being something that could take the photography fraternity by storm Andy! Well the NZ fraternity anyway.
I like the idea and potential of this idea. When is the product release date?
"Of course that'll mean absolutely nothing to most of you, but that's your problem not mine". Your elitest attitude rises again Andy. Perhaps your problem more than you care to think?
well at the moment i'm struggling to find anyone local who will work for the 35c per unit i want to pay. go figure!! i'm sure once they get the swing of it they could churn out at least 6 an hour.
oddly enough i was just on a bike ride, and as can happen my mind went elsewhere, and i came up with the following lyric
i only think i'm better than you / because it's true
i don't know where you get the idea that i'm elitest, an frankly i'm saddened by the suggestion ;)
Hey where have I been? I havn't been on your site for a week I think Andy, and it's usualy one of my fantastic ways of procrastinating while I should be doing other things... Maybe I've actualy been working rather that working on procrastinating for a while, wow never thought it'd happen. Anyhoo it's good to see the experiements still happening! I've got a clack just dying for some tampering! : ) And I'm almost desperate enough to work for 35c! Oh maybe not, but almost...
Oh and if those terrible lies are entering your head while you are biking around, you should probably bike less... ; )
see well i've nothing better to do so i blog and i play. oh and i ride. and i really don't know what's so terrible about the truth.
you know you could come and work for me and earn upwards of $1.50 per hour!! come on, who else will pay that?!
My inferiority complex is so much better than your elitist attitude
If you have to move production offshore but keep it in the Pacific basin, some cheap Samoan based labour shouldn't be too hard to find. Just ask an MP. ;)
1) truly that goes without saying
2) not sure about the freight costs involved in samoan production. at least the waikato coast (ie jodi) is close to a post office, and even a couple of potential outlets.
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