I was reminded of this shot I took a last month on one of my crappy 110 cameras.

This is the immediately preceding shot. Nice bit of cheek sucking to add emphasis to the cheek bones. Freakin poser.

just bits of stuff i do when i've nothing better to do, or more likely when i've got plenty else to do but can't be buggered
All images Copyright Andy Palmer 2006-2016, unless otherwise stated. Not to be used without permission.
Everything is spectacular in its way. It's all valuable. It's all of a piece.
Robert Adams
Slowly, step by step, picture by picture, his work began to have the look of having been made by someone who,
on trying to explain the world, and having failed, had been reduced to collecting it.
Patrick Pound
Well that's a compliment (I think). And is an interesting take on it too. I think I'll never take on board any criticism of yours hassling me for my work looking like anyone else’s again though... : )
it's not that interesting.
all i did was decide to shoot myself eyes closed cos you shot yourself kinda eyes closed and i knew i couldn't do the kinda eyes closed thing with that camera so i didn't i just did eyes closed which i don't normally do when i shoot myself.
i wouldn't take it as a compliment if i was you. it's just a photo.
oooohhhh sensitive... you're the one that brought it up... who would I be if I didn't comment aye! : )
sensitive?! nah, just being truthful.
my shot isn't that interesting. yours is scary.
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