So there I was, wandering the library, picking up my weekly supply of CDs when I saw this on a shelf staring at me. Naturally I was drawn to it. Partly because it had a pretty picture on it - and I'm a sucker for pretty pictures. Partly because it had a title I couldn't ignore - as you'd probably expect. Partly because it immediately made me think of my beloved Phoenix Foundation - Horse Stories/Horse Power, yellow bird on white cover. And partly because it was released by Loose Music, who have been known to release some damn fine music in their time (and you can download an album for free!).
Never having heard, or even heard of, the band I knew I was taking a bit of a gamble. But I was willing to pay my $1 for that gamble. Naturally drawing connections between band name, album title, and record label I made certain assumptions about the sound I was likely to hear. And I was right on the money. The one place I did go wrong though was assuming the band was American when in fact they come from a wee town called Melbourne. You may have heard of it, it's near Sydney I think.
As they made a point of not thanking me - I quote "thanks to ... anyone who bought this record - rather than burning it, borrowing it, or even just plain humming it" - I feel it my duty to inform you about this band's existence, and implore you to support them by purchasing their CD (rather than borrow it from the library as I did!!).
And who says you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover? Eh?! Stupid people, that's who.
Oh yeah, and if you interested they're kinda alt-country, a bit Mojave 3, a bit Low, a bit Jayhawks, a bit Josh Rouse, a bit other bands I like. Just bloody nice music mate.
1 comment:
I picked up Horse stories as I am one of those silly people who occaisionally get seduced by a cover . It is one of my fav cds at the moment. it was not so much the cover as the title that grabbed me!
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