What a ridiculous format that was. I bet if the film and camera companies really thought about digital, the world would never have seen APS. And that wouldn't have necessarily have been a bad thing.
Here's a funny bit from the above linked article:
Despite the added features, APS never really caught on with professional photographers because the film area was just too small. The APS film surface area is only 56% of 135 film, and many professionals consider even 135 film to be small.Did they honestly expect pros to adopt APS?!
One thing I've come to realise, especially after recently scanning a bunch of 35mm colour neg, and after using the Nikon D300 on my recent overseas excursion, is that 35mm detail is crap. APS is nearly 100% crappier.
Now some of you will probably be going "Yes, but Mr Microphen, you've been known to use bloody 110 film which is, like, at least 400% crappier, so quit bagging APS dude!"
Screw you. This is my blog and I'll bag whoever and whatever I like!!
Anyway. Here are a bunch of shots from a disposable APS camera I dragged around the States (though clearly I forgot about it for the first week).
In chronological order. With no notes. Nice.
going backwards (from the bottom)
LA (maybe)
San Francisco
San Francisco (Sausalito?)
Death Valley (Bad water?)
Death Valley (Twenty Mule Team Canyon????)
Monument Valley
Monument Valley
Monument Valley
Monument Valley (John Ford Point?)
Maybe Goose Necks, could be Grand Canyon?
Painted Messa?
Guessing, Grand Tuetons
Maybe Lake Mead, or maybe not
A lot of trees near Yellowstone or in Arizona/Nevada ...
Don't know
Don't know
Don't know
Despite the rubbish camera(?), you've still produced some brilliant shots!
hey david, you are remarkably close - in general, if not in actual spot.
no grand canyon. what was i thinking?! it's actually arches and canyonland.
lake mead is in nevada from memory and we didn't get there (from memory). those first shots are washington and montana.
thanks barry. i was pleasantly surprised by how good the exposures were on the camera. but maybe it was just that i was using it in ideal circumstances.
and i do like that almost 2:1 format.
hmmm, was going to say something about "Pacific North West" about those first few ...
I remember APS. One of the best songs they ever did.
well yes indeed. not as good as cast stone tho.
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