I shot these images on Monday, on the farm in the Wairarapa, and I feel they are somehow appropriate to how I'm feeling right now.

I had this rant with a friend last week about how everyone thinks I'm a bum cos I don't 'work' a forty hour week, and get paid a nice comfortable salary etc etc, when the reality is that I put in far more than forty hours a week to my job. The last month has been one of working days (paid work) then coming home and having to organise exhibitions and other projects into the small hours. And sometimes it is incredibly taxing.

Today for example I was up earlyish to organise stuff for tonight. Then I put in five hours of paid work. Then I came home and did a couple of hours of unpaid work, which included an email which increased my stress levels somewhat. Then I had a two hour meeting about a project I'm working on. Then came home, and have sent a few more emails regarding paid and unpaid work (including one agressive one to a client who consistently annoys me). And now, I'm ranting here instead of going into the darkroom to work on what I need to be doing there. But seeing as it's after 10pm and I'm doing a freebie tomorrow morning and I feel like a piece of meat impaled on a butchers hook, I'm going to try and chill out a bit.
And you all sit there and go "Oh you poor dear. But you've brought it on yourself by choosing your own path, so sucks to you!!" And I go "Thanks arsehole" (in a purely loving way you understand).
amen to that sister...
i know exactly what you are talking about.
i could've been more succinct really.
i'm an artist and nobody understands just how hard that is for me.
i think you should talk to your mamma about the difference between boys and girls, and the difference between family and non-family. you seem confused.
yeah you could've but instead you chose to rant and rant and rant, unusual for you?
Oh and I was just judging your sex from that lovely little drawing your neice did of you where you were wearing a dress and highheels, and also the lovely photo 'the assistant' that was quite popular on Sharyn's blog not to long ago.
And even though you have chosen to be rude to me even after I displayed understanding to you, I still say... I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT......... sister
being a male, i automatically took your use of the word 'sister' to be a harsh attack on my manliness, which you know is very manly indeed (he says in a big deep booming voice).
instead you were reinforcing others view of me as a girl - all of which left me hugely offended!!
anyway, thanks for your show of support, darling
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