So I welcome you to the public launch of the "mildly exciting and historically significant" thing I mentioned in Thursday's post.
Check this out.
I warn you now that there are 669 images over 24 pages, so some pages will take an age to load up if you're still on dial-up - so best if you wait until you get to work.
I'm happy to be corrected on any of the captions if you see glaring mistakes, or can name some of the people in the shots.
The design is very simple, and hopefully the flow works. Let me know your thoughts about anything to do with the site. And feel free to let others know about it if you think they'll be interested.
And, just in case you were wondering, you can get to the site via the gallery page on my website. But of course you'll just bookmark the main page anyway, won't you my loyal readers.
Ok, so I know that I'm a little strange but I didn't get that you had to click the dates to see the photos. So I ended up clicking the polaroid (the first one). Then I saw a sign that said I had to use explorer so I closed firefox and then opened explorere and then got the same message. ????????? I fought on and opened the link again and found that if I clicked on the dates I got photos. cooolll. Shaz
so a little slow first thing on a monday morning then are we? ;)
i was hoping the navigation would be rather obvious. oh well.
also when you went to my homepage you should have noticed it reads "Apple Mac users please view in Internet Explorer". when exactly did you change teams?
anyway glad you like it.
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