I enjoy participating in sport. Exercise. Adrenaline. A bit of sun. Or rain. Depending on ... well ... the weather.
I especially like all these non-contact sports I play. Hockey and cyclinging.
And now we can add basketball to that list.

I was going to blog about my b-ball exploits last week, but it'd just have been me complaining about how sore my legs were, about how I rediscovered lost muscles, and how I wasn't much enjoying the experience of walking. Not really something you can illustrate easily with a photo - it'd just be me with a pained look on my face, and I get one of those even when not in pain.
But now I've got blood, so it's all good.
Anyway, I'm in Auckland this week, working with this guy (damn flash sites, can't link to the right page - it's Matt okay) and hanging out with these guys. It seems I have some skills lacking in Auckland assistants, so I managed to convince Matt to pay me enough that the trip won't cost me anything - I just won't be earning anything either (but that's okay - I hope).
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