Rather than giving it to folk who maybe deserved it- the accountant, the store, the bank - I went shopping.
I bought some books. They arrived today.
This came out a few years ago. And was rather expensive - at least in this country. But I knew I had to get it at some point. My copy is from the fourth print run. Not as exciting as a first edition but ...

The cover shots were stolen from photo-eye, a good place to start looking for photographic books and works.
I bought this cos, as normally happens when I'm at Amazon deciding to spend money, I got excited about buying stuff for cheap, so bought more than I meant to or needed to. But well you only live once, so why not waste money on books? Or music? Or drugs? Or hot women? Or alcohol? Or cameras? Or film? Or art? Or houses? Or travel? Or food?

Oh, and Dymocks had a sale too, so I bought a couple of books there on the weekend, and I scored a copy of Glenn Busch's Working Men in Devonport last week. Not that I like books or anything.
Remind me next time you are here, and I'll lend you my PDN which has a Gregory Crewdson article. The most amazing lighting setups you've ever seen! Way too complicated to copy even thou they give full instructions. And kinda shuts up those people who say to art works "Aww, I could have done that myself".
yeah nah yeah. i've already seen it eh. there is a certain beauty in taking over a street for a week to set up dozens of lights in order to make a photo of the street at night.
me i'd just rock up with my camera, put the film in and press go, letting whatever happens happen.
not greg. and i think that's one thing i really like about his work. it is exceptionally well planned right down to the last detail - more so than many commercial shoots.
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