And yes, in case you missed the news, I have a show on in Auckland.
This is a shot of my wall. Those of you who know my wall will know that this particular piece of my wall doesn't usually look quite like this. Usually there are more photos on it. And fewer visible postit notes. However the postit notes denote works which are presently not on my wall. In this case they are presently in Auckland. However most of them aren't on the wall up there either. But if you ask very nicely you may be able to see them. I would recommend if you do go to have a look at these works, you also look at the eighteen on the wall in Auckland.
Before I left for Auckland I found out something. Something fantastic. If you review something, you may get that something for free. I had the pleasure of reviewing "aberhart" (wow, I'm even quoted there!!) for my mate Tim. You can read the review here. Admittedly it was probably a poor hourly rate, but to save myself $125 by doing something I would have done anyway (ie read a book) was great. Bring it on I say.
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