One of the problems with having a 'real' job - besides having to get up earlier than I'm used to - is that I don't have time at computers to regularly continue my online excursions.
For the last couple of years, regardless of what I was doing, I've always tried to get off the computer by 7pm at the latest. Have some pretence of regular working hours.
Now though, being out of the office four days a week means having to come home and check emails, blog, etc in the evening. Call me undedicated, but I'm not that keen on the idea.
So you're going to have to put up with a few weeks of randomness here until things fall into some kind of routine.
It doesn't help that on my day off I took off to the Wairarapa to photograph for an upcoming show.

This is one of the better shots I got, and while I'm not certain its related to what I'm photographing, it seems a bit too coincidental not to be.
I am managing, I think, to continue my daily postings on the
old fellas. Shortly I'm off to
flickr to pass judgement on a bunch of my students. And if this rain stops, I'll even attempt hanging some washing on the line.
What an exciting Saturday.