This shot was my first "commercial" job, in that I was "commissioned" to take the photo, rather than it being my idea. And like most people's first commercial job it took a lot longer and cost more money than expected - after expenses I think I made about $100 to cover my time (about $14 an hour). Can't remember what I ended up shooting this on - think it may have been three 6x17 trannies comped together (not by me). Still it's quite a nice shot for what it is, and it should be pride of place in the Auckland home of the clients.
Tena koe ehoa
Very coOOol looking shot! Retro splices of architecture at the heights of state housing in New Zealand.
Really dig the panoramic quality Andy.
Thanks. I do like the shot, keep forgetting I did it.
I love the panorama too, just waiting for someone to give me a 617, or an xpan.
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