Here are my high school years.

First one to name everyone correctly to the best of my recollection wins a prize - to be determined by me at time of prize-giving. Go on give it a go, it'll be fun. I've got money down on stiltfeeder getting closest but I reckon he can only do about 25%. And just to help you there is at least one nationally recognisable face in there if you look hard enough.
OK so maybe the prize should be to the first person to correctly identify me in all the shots - but that's too easy and depends on knowing what I look/ed like.
But yes I am in each and every one. Not offering any clues though.
well, college was some time ago so it wasn't that recent. also i guess the skin bleaching could be causing confusion, not to mention the hair extensions, etc.
Got to love the jersey the teacher in your third form year is wearing....
oh yeah mike was all style, man. think he really should've been teaching kindergarten though - what with his lovely collection of jumpers and all.
You are: 3rd form - back row, second from left. 4th form - second row from back, third from right. 5th form - back row, second from right. 6th form - second row from front, third from right. 7th form - second row from from back, third from left.
I win tequila I hope
Blonde with long denim stonewash skirt in 7th pic
is a hottie!
naturally i can neither confirm nor deny these horrible allegations.
you may indeed win tequila - but not from me. the competition was "First one to name everyone correctly to the best of my recollection wins a prize", not merely to suggest which individual may or may not be me. sorry thems the rules (made by me of course).
we weren't short of hotties, but most of them didn't make these photos.
I'll save this up for a night I'm really bored (won't be long), although a couple of faces have already jumped out. Worrying thing is I'm sure some of those people went to Naenae - was the Hutt Valley a hotbed of cloning research in the early seventies? (as well as a hotbed of style in the eighties)
Incidentally that's a great idea of Sharyn's to post some random school photos and claim you were in them, bet you wish you'd thought of it first (especially if you'd got hold of a Sacred Hearts or St Orans pic for one year)
maybe it's just that taita didn't offer a good enough education. or maybe it offered too good an education.
as far as the st orans sacred heart thing goes, that would only perpetuate the myth that i was in fact a female in the mid- to late- 1980s. that wouldn't be a bad thing mind you.
OK, tell me how I go with the 3rd form and I'll decide if i want to play anymore (anyway, can YOU name everyone in these photos?)
Back row:
Brendon Pearson, Andy Palmer, ?, ?(Possibly Dwayne Taylor, but only because I think I've picked him in a later photo), ?, William Huffnance/Kaiser/Whatever should be in there somewhere so maybe this one?, Lee Ivens
Next row:
?, Martyn Taylor, Craig Press, I know this guy- Jason ?Eades maybe?, Simon Jasper, Michael Hercock, ?, ?
The girls:
Rachel Isaia and Be Krech 2nd and 3rd in the 3rd row, looks like Anita Smith one in at the other end, but I'm sure she went somewhere else? One that's just come to me, is the very sweet looking girl next to her Katrina Foss? Sarah Jane Somebody (Roberts?) has the very long blonde hair in the front row, Kim Lawson on the teacher's left, and that could be Lisa Ducat at the end of the front row. But it's probably not. Can't think who the "famous" person is - it's not Stokes Valley's favourite murderer/prison escapee is it?
Hope you get a good laugh out of this if nothing else...
okay firstly i'd like to point out to everyone that mr stiltfeeder and myself did not go to the same primary school, nor the same college, but i'm not sure about the intermediate - maybe he can clarify. anyway ...
Back row: Brendon Pearson, Andy Palmer, Gary Cottle, Fraser Tate (possibly Dwayne Taylor - know the name can't place it tho), Scott Phillips, William Huthnance, Lee Ivens (4/7)
Next row:
Carl skinny token maori, Martyn Taylor, Craig Press, Ian Sutherland (looks nothing like Jason Eades), Simon Jasper, David Preston, Joe not so skinny token maori, Jeremy Armitage (3/8)
The girls:
Rachael someone not Isaia, Jacqui McElhaney, Jennifer Cho, Carolyn someone, Jacqui someone, Carla Erles(?), Rebecca Boyd, Tania Gaskin (0/8)
Front row:
Brenda someone, Vanessa Geddes, Sarah Humphries, token maori girl, Mike Brady, Kim Lawson, Helen Bain, Michelle Westcott, Lisa Ducat (I'll give you Sarah so that's 3/9)
Total score 10/32 - up on my estimated 25% so well done.
crikey, how many of those girls did i have crushes on? how many did i kiss? oh the shame!!
Ah yes, Sarah Humphries, that's the one. I think. Very outgoing, bubbly girl, right? Maybe I should stop now, before we work out we're thinking of different people...
Will try another year soon... maybe... don't hold your breath... (well maybe while swimming)
By the way, Ian Sutherland obviously looks nothing like how I remember Ian Sutherland, coz that did cross my mind as someoen I should look for... Fraser Tate, Jeremy Armitige (not that famous is he?) - funny who you completely forget until someone mentions their name
ah yes, that sarah humphries. please refer to earlier comment re crushes.
yes well my identity has been no secret for a long time - especially amongst those who know me (though some people clearly don't know me as well as i thought they did!).
as for the hutt dwelling dancing queen, i've narrowed you down to either carla, martyn or craig. seeing as, last i heard neither craig nor martyn were dancers or queens and craig was in canada and martyn in australia, i'm ruling them out. which leaves one - and i'm willing to be proven wrong.
as for your prize, you've still got four classes to name. put those school magazines away. no cheating now.
i see so you don't quite know what you look like yourself. interesting. that makes more options and i'm far too busy/lazy to sit down and work out the permutations - christine, rebecca or tania at a guess.
and hey, i don't have to respond to any allegations, lest of all those regarding certain activities that may or may not have occurred with certain other class members (and carolyn was 4th form camp, okay, 3rd form was truth or dare in a spa pool).
as for the sara(h) thing, some of us actually like brains and wit - god i'm such a bitch.
as you may well be aware (whoever you are) i was very mature for my age - thankfully i am no longer.
no hints about the teacher - mainly cos i can't remember her name (such was the intensity of said crush)
you've just gotta love that tracking software (yes folks big brother is watching - well i am anyway, it's quite fascinating actually seeing how people get to look at my crap work). i know how you found me, but what i'm not sure is why you were looking for that person as i'm pretty sure you're not her.
big bro sees a lot, you may in fact be surprised by how much. but big sis sees quite of lot of stuff too. and some of it's different.
i'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and that you googled your name (and a variation including first initials) and discovered a few pieces of your glorious history.
if you are feeling really desperate, and are happy to give up your anonymity you could email me properly by typing the address at this link
My form class was also inhabited by a blonde of the buxom variety that I couldn't see why so many guys were going gaga over. So you weren't alone Mr Microphen in breaking the stereotype of the 13 year old male teenmonster. As more and more stories arise though, it's becoming clear I went to the wrong college. And some of the names that dancing queen that has come up with-I'm going to have to go back to that photo! (when I've got nothing better to do)
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