That's Nifty and Brad (or Neville and Grant as they prefer to be known) carrying the soon to be famous (in NZ anyway) couch. The things you do eh?! And even though it's completely out of context for you all at the moment you may be impressed by the fact that I actually got to sit on the couch - albeit in the back of a 4WD heading up the mountain, but that's more than most of the crew got (not that I'm one to brag or anything).

Tena koe ehoa
I have'nt got the slightest hooodle what your on about here but I'm interested to see where the hell it's going!
What a great word, please can we all have permission to use it?
not really my place to say, but go for it, you can't copyright words or patent life or sell crack to kids or claim collateral damage blah blah rant rant
Always a bundle of joy aren't ya' Andy! 8)
Gees whats wrong with the world now?
Forgot to give the yay or nay!
Have your people call my people and we'll set something up.... No... okay, just take it then.
But if you're an Aussie don't you go and claim it like Split Enz, Sunlight soap and Pavlova.
I'm sure dingo is maori for Burger King, anyway?
i try. i really do. some would say i'm extremely trying. but you know what with the state of the nation/world/mind nowadays sometimes i just get bored wandering around with an insane grin all the time - bored, ... and annoyed at all the weird looks i get
Is this the couch off the National Bank add? If it isn't why will it be famous?
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