Wednesday 15 October 2008

The Crazy

So there's two shots left on the roll, eh. Oooohhh, I know.

There you are, you've come home from spending a couple of hours sharing a windswept landscape with a strong northerly, a bike and a camera. What to do? Get yourself some dinner. Sit down. Do a bit of marking (but not much). Then remember "oh yeah!". So you get up, grab a tripod, sort out the camera and waste those last couple of shots on yourself. Self-absorbed?! ME?!!

There is precedence. Of course.

I like that there's a bit (a very small bit) of the Johnny Rotten coming out of me. And that my hair is a miss - no checking in the mirror first to make sure I was suitably presentable. Nice. And the shadow's kinda cool too.


jodi Ruth keet said...

now, just what are you trying to say! !??!

microphen said...

that you're precedent.

what you're supposed to be saying is "gee, that's some awesome, you're the best photographer i've ever known".

Anonymous said...

Long exposure/blur gives one fat face! Cool hair do.
Looks like mine!