Thursday, 19 October 2006

The Overbridge

Here are some shots from yet another incomplete, half-arsed body of work. One of the hardest bodies I've attempted. Wellington has a lack of cool overbridges (or at least a lack of inter-tangling interchange things), and admittedly there are still a few overbridges I haven't shot from. And I should probably do some shots in Auckland, but Auckland sucks and I don't want to go up there no more.

And the weather is just completely wrong. It would be so easy in the UK or Europe with their big expansive grey skies producing flat light, a lack of heavy shadows, and consistent sky density - none of these horrible harsh shadows and fluffy clouds.

Whinge whinge mumble grumble.

They're pretty cool pics though eh?


Anonymous said...

Hey, that top one is MY overbridge! Why didn't you come over for a restorative cuppa? You probably needed something after standing in the ferocious wind ... Good photos!

microphen said...

well i may have, but i've been warned against having cups of tea with strangers who live on/under overbridges. nothing personal mind, i just live in a constant state of paranoid fear.