Partly cos there's this series I'm working on. But mainly cos I couldn't cope with the fact that I would have shot less the fifty rolls of film last year.
It is kinda strange but even though I was studying and one would have thought photographing more than usual, I only shot 23 rolls of film for my studies total. Plus a couple of thousand digital images, about half of which were in the studio.
Anyway, my trip into the bush was very exciting. Being the good ex-Boy Scout I am, I was completely unprepared. Mainly cos I was going somewhere for which I was adequately prepared, but then minutes from that location I decided to go somewhere else. Somewhere I hadn't been for many years.
So my imagined pleasant two hour stroll became (according to the signage) a five hour trek. And me with little water, no food, no map, and no real idea of where I was going. Pish. Who needs that crap?!
I looked at the map at the trail entrance and picked my route based on track names - "that sounds like it will be strenuous so we'll do that first". Trick for idiots, GW maps at trail entrance's lack contour marks, and sometimes track names lie.

Then you head off, back the way you just came, then hang a right to do the loop. It's a little climb up to the ridgeline.
Only the little climb becomes another little climb almost as soon as you've finished the previous little climb. And that little climb becomes another little climb almost as soon as you've finished the previous little climb. And that little climb becomes another little climb almost as soon as you've finished the previous little climb. etc. etc. etc.
Stop to take photos. Mainly cos I'm knackered, now really wishing I had some food. And more water. And fitter legs. I carry on. And stop and rest and puff away and really, truly wish I had some food and more water.

And I wander along and think to myself, "as much as that climb nearly killed me, I'm glad I'm here now and not when I headed out under blue sky".

It's strangely disappointing. Still I made it out alive. Finished a second roll of film. And looked forward to some treats from the nearest dairy - an unhealthy late lunch masquerading as dinner entrée.

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