On getting the film back from the lab I decided that this was the best photo I had taken all year.
Possibly I was suffering a crisis of confidence or something?!
Or maybe I do really just suck?!!
Anyway, today I saw this thing Harvey Benge posted a while ago. Harvey got Paul Graham and Rineke Dijkstra over to take this year's AUT St Paul Street workshop. I didn't go cos, amongst other things, I'm old and hermitic (or hermetic, either works for me). I've never been that taken by Graham's photography, or Dijkstra's for that matter, but this writing of Paul's is great. Gonna find me some more of his thoughts I think.
Oh, and just in case you were wondering, the feeling that that was the best photo I took last year lasted about the length of time it took to walk home from the lab.
well, it is nice
over all it was a nice walk ;)
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