It's a shame they cut bits - some really good bits. If you want to read the unabridged version go here.
It was one of those things where I could have written an essay. Criticised the Council for their lack of publicity (thanks Kerry!), criticised the paper for showing no interest in the works, criticised Viv for clearing knowing nothing about Getty images. And, as Steve Rowe pointed out, "Ha ha - brilliant. No mention of the day to day visual pollution - it's easier to block out when it's not 'art'...". Maybe, you know, his lightbox money machines are in some way commenting on this idea.
So now I'm sitting back waiting for Viv to contact me with her $100.
And here's a vaguely random, completely unrelated shot of my torso, displaying coconut paste art.

And for something utterly stupid try this. I am variously Tangle Jig Palin, Recoil Mush Palin, Crunk Petrol Palin, and Churn Scorpion Palin. Awesome. Thanks America.