"Um ... tshirt."
"Oh come on, it's already starred in a shot here!"
"Um ... haircut."
"Does this look new?!"
"Um ... glasses."
"Um ... shower curtain."
"Yeah right, like that's gonna happen in this lifetime."
"Um ... mirror??."
"You what?!"
"Oh ha ha."
"Well fuck, I dunno."
"Camera, dimwit. It's a new camera!"
"Yeah; like you don't have enough of them in your life already ..."
Yes folks, I am the proud owner of a new (secondhand) Polaroid 350. It cost me $30, though the guy who sold it to me said he should be selling it for much more, but who am I to argue. And I got a bunch of other crap that goes with it. Like a flash, with a lovely blue filter (anti-tungsten I assume), but no bulb. The original case and manuals. A cool little mechanical self-timer. A portrait set, with a special portrait lens (possibly just a closer-up filter) and a diffusion screen for the flash. And the receipt for the poor guy who paid $50 for it back in 1998. Talk about classy. And what's more you can still buy film for it. Talk about neato.
Postscript: A man with a camera sent me this link which has some rather nice polaroid work by various (American) photographers.
Note that microphen files a blog about a new camera under "family". Makes a change from old spinsters and their cats...
yes well that really has more to do with the fact that i'm exercising my ego with yet another self-portrait and my ego may wish to find all said self-portraits at sometime in the future.
but, well, frankly, in lieu of anything better, why not be and old bachelor with tens of cameras - they're cheaper than cats for starters.
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