Every November the Wellington City Council wastes our precious rates on blowing things up over the harbour. I still have yet to work out why. Nor have I worked out why it's only things that explode into colourful balls, and nothing exciting like cars or toilets or bombs.
Anyway in 2001 I walked up the hill behind my then flat (though by nice coincidence it is also the hill behind my current abode) and took this shot by setting up the camera and leaving the shutter open for the duration of the display (a whole fifteen minutes according to my records) - that's why it's a bit of a mess.

Then I turned the camera around, pointed it towards Brooklyn at all the idiots (or mature sensible people, depending on your beliefs, and naturally being a non-judgmental purely objective blogger I refuse to make any public statements regarding my own beliefs and/or political leanings and/or desires) creating their own fun and took this. Also for a whole fifteen minutes according to my records.
Isn't that just the most exciting news you've heard all day?!!

That's a blast
about twenty thousand actually
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