One of the things I like about these shots is that there was no pressure from anyone to get images, let alone decent ones. But when you decide that there is a potential series in grab shots like these, immediately you're putting pressure on yourself to deliver. Your social kick-around becomes a test match with the weight of the nation on your shoulders. Forgive me my wee hyperbole, but hopefully you get the idea.
Oh the pressure. Oh the pressure. I can't handle it. Oh oh the pressure.
But then again if it all goes horribly wrong the only one who needs to know it is you (as in me, not you) - and maybe the guys at the lab if they can be bothered to look at the film.
So I am beating a dead horse, but I really like the racecourse stuff!
yes you are flogging a dead horse. but i think i will continue looking at these places. i actually took a couple of shots down south in january, so may post them too. to me it screams small courses, none of the big urban tracks. that means having to get out of town again. but that will happen.
The small, one meeting a year courses are great, like the ones on the west coast. It is something from a simpler , slower time. My grandfather used to own race horses, mainly trotters I believe so maybe that's why I find these appealing
ohh, and the hockey field stuff looks like it has potential
yeah those are the ones. sadly not many of them around town these days. i think it's a few days cruising up-country keeping an eye out.
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