Sunday 16 November 2008

The Super


jodi Ruth keet said...

i don't get what is so super about the loo

microphen said...

principally its because its the best damned photo of a loo you've ever seen. but there are other reasons too.

Anonymous said...

What's more super than being able to convince enough people to be viable to pay money to use a facility that's available for free 200 metres up the road? Or more super than having bylaws that allow cafes to operate without providing toilets if they're within sprinting distance of a council-owned pay toilet?

Taupo is one of my favorite towns, but it's not without its annoying idiosyncracies.

Anonymous said...

usually when im in taupo near that loo i pee by the tree next to it... on the "super loo" itself!

Anonymous said...

Ok, correction, a facility that's available for free 5 cm up the road.