Tonight is my last night in my flat so for posterity's sake he's a shot of the backyard. Don't ya just love that view?!
just bits of stuff i do when i've nothing better to do, or more likely when i've got plenty else to do but can't be buggered
All images Copyright Andy Palmer 2006-2016, unless otherwise stated. Not to be used without permission.
Everything is spectacular in its way. It's all valuable. It's all of a piece.
Robert Adams
Slowly, step by step, picture by picture, his work began to have the look of having been made by someone who,
on trying to explain the world, and having failed, had been reduced to collecting it.
Patrick Pound
Tena koe ehoa
Gees I suppose it's okay but don't you think it's a bit dark Andy? :) Someone stole the rest of your satellite dish I see. Oh well goodbye old Hello new!
Yeah um i shot it on 4x5 trannie which is quite fussy when it comes to exposure and i think my light meter must have been playing up seeing as it was the middle of the day.
.... not!!
yes well it was just a test shot to see if i could work the exposure right and stuff and it's boring standing a round outside for quarter of an hour while the film does its thing so i moved around instead. anyway i'm planning an exhibition of self portraits - in about 50 years when i'll have around 378 of them.
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