Nor should it come as a surprise to anyone that, being interested in photography as I am, that I am also somewhat interested in these seminal works.
By coincidence, two such works came into my possession recently.

It's okay. As with many things seminal, the impact it may have had can be less obvious over time as those it inspired produce arguably stronger and better work.
The printing isn't great, but few photography books printed at that time were printed beautifully.
Photographically, as far as NZ street photographers go, Peter Black is more my cup of tea, but I'm glad to finally have my own copy of this very important NZ publication.

The film La jetée was, as Wikipedia states, "constructed almost entirely from optically printed photographs playing out as a photomontage of varying pace."
So the book is the stills of the film from which the film was actually made.
I watched La jetée last year, and to be honest it didn't hold me. As is often the case I blame the inability of my TV to hold my attention for long. I would like to see it on the big screen though, given the opportunity.
Still, the stills are cool, the book layout is by Bruce Mau, and the story pleasantly sci-fi. It's good.
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