Last year I told a friend I was completely over 35mm. Based on the fact that, once I discovered there were other formats, I didn't really like its 2x3 ratio, nor did I like the lack of detail.
Then I spent a few days over summer scanning a heap of 35mm stuff.
And I decided that it did actually have its place. Especially black and white where the grain made sense.

So I've been buying small cameras again. For the purpose of doing ... um ... shit ... I dunno ... stuff.
But good stuff. In black and white. With masses of grain.
First up was the
Canon. It was bigger than I expected. And as the guy I bought it off told me when he gave it to me "it's a good camera, but the motor drive is a bit noisy." It's like a bloody 747!! Funny how no one mentions that in any of the write ups about it. Still nice pics.

Then came the
Ixus. An APS camera. Primarily because a friend gave me a bunch of APS films even though I didn't have a camera I could use them in. Having a frame size only 56% that of 35mm this makes for fantastic grain. And somehow the grain in APS film works when it doesn't for 35mm - maybe because at this size is is actually grain and not just annoying lack of detail. Once I got it sorted out properly I started to really like this camera, though it totally lacks the control I would like.

It took a while to turn up, but lastly was the
Konica. A styly looking beast. Quite nice, but still lacking. Even if it is an awesome red. And quite inappropriate for sly street photography.

I keep thinking that these point and shoots will have more manual control than they actually do. I especially want some sort of decent focus control. I think what needed to get was the
CL listed on TradeMe, but I just don't have those funds available to me at the moment.
knew you would change your mind
no bro, 35mm still sucks
it's aps all the way for me now!!!
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