And who said the life of an artist was an easy one?
Oh yeah, that's right, none of yous fellas, cos yous fellas have put up with my whining and complaining for ages.
For the record I've missed out on this, and this, and now this. Awesome.
The ARC thing was interesting. There was only one spot going, but the panel couldn't decide on who should get it so they made two spots. I came third. Awesome.
The only people I didn't get something verging on decent feedback from was CNZ. Heaven forbid they offer some assistance to applicants. Though of course I was never going to win that one, so maybe I should be happy they didn't just laugh at me.
My Toi Poneke proposal turned out to be a bit too controversial for Council. But that's what you get when you mix Art and Politics I guess.
Oh well, here's a tower which has nothing to do with anything.

Winning and losing is not important, it's how you play the game that counts .........
fair comment.
but with proposal writing i really have no idea of how my play is. nor is there much chance of finding out. except by winning. or losing.
and i'm a very good loser.
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