A couple of nights ago I finally got around to doing some test shots.

These were taken with a 50mm lens on my digi (thereby becoming about 75mm). If it gets that far the final works will be shot on film and probably wider.

just bits of stuff i do when i've nothing better to do, or more likely when i've got plenty else to do but can't be buggered
All images Copyright Andy Palmer 2006-2016, unless otherwise stated. Not to be used without permission.
Everything is spectacular in its way. It's all valuable. It's all of a piece.
Robert Adams
Slowly, step by step, picture by picture, his work began to have the look of having been made by someone who,
on trying to explain the world, and having failed, had been reduced to collecting it.
Patrick Pound
I quite like them: jellyfish, vaseline, computer keyboard keys, the frosted glass door of the Principal's office...
thanks anon, that's exactly what i was going for - in particular the jellyfish vaseline thing.
maybe they're not abstract enough.
I was intrigued by that window as well.
you're giving away my secrets
The house i spent the first ummm 11? 12? 13? years of my life had various textured glass doors and windows that would throw up similar but more vertically elongated shapes. I don't recall ever being scared by them but I certainly remember that I used to call them "ghosts" long before I figured out what was actually causing the phenomenon. Thanks for inspiring the nostalgia.
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