To make sense of the following you may need to read the
previous first.

I have trouble remembering yesterday, let alone three years ago. Consequently I'm not sure whether this was a test shot, or the inspiration itself. What I can tell you is that I realised my
Horseman Cable Release was too short for what I wanted to do.

This was definitely a test shot. I like the wind effect. And the shadow. Though in retrospect I'd have shot it with me a couple of feet to the right so the shadow didn't roll over the edge.

This, too, was a test shot. Is it just me, or do you think there's a similarity between the guy in this shot and
John Lennon? I don't know what it is, I think it's a combination of the dark glasses (this guy doesn't normally wear them, and gets photographed in them far less frequently than that), the long scraggly hair, and the weirdly chiselled jaw.
Another thing I like about these last two - and the first two of the
previous - is that you can't tell I'm holding an
extra long pump style cable release. Of course I can't remember who I borrowed it from. I may even have bought it myself, which means it is now lost some place without me. And, just cos I know you're all so interested, we (as in me) continued to get more complicated as we (as in me) refined the process. The last two shots of the
previous were made using one of these
tricky things that allowed me to get even further from the camera and yet still appear in the photo.
Honestly I'm not a gear geek. I needed it for the job. I truly did.
I think you borrowed the cable release from me, and you gave it back, which is nice.
you may well be correct there. not too many people with one of those lying around. so thanks.
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