Friday 18 May 2007

The Published

Man, for a while there I thought it'd never happen. But it has.

Yes I have at long last been published ... this year. If you squint you'll see my name there in the esteemed pages of the esteemed and essential journal we call The Photographers Mail.

It's an honour. It's a privilege. It's probably the highlight of my career thus far.

And just to prove I'm not having you on, here's a close up.

Naturally there is a story as to why I took that particular photo but I can't be bothered to tell yous it, suffice to say spending a day on set at "Dancing With The Stars" is alternately educational and boring, with a brief moment (during the live broadcast!!) of tears.

And if you want your own copy of this esteemed and essential journal so that you too can have a copy of my photo, pop into any camera store over the next couple of weeks and pick one up. It's so cheap it's actually free.