Wednesday, 19 July 2006

The Update

Well after weeks of struggle, trying different programs, buying a seemingly decent program, working out what I was trying to do, working out what I wanted to do, dealing with extremely unhelpful support people for the software I bought who still haven't answered my last query and never satisfactorily answered any of my queries, bits of assistance from friends who I knew had nothing better to do than look at my new pages and tell me they didn't work, starting the design from scratch 4 times, rebuilding most of the pages again today, uploading it 5 times in the vain hope that the one page that didn't load properly would load properly, my new super-improved bigger fitter brighter stronger website is now online for all to enjoy.

And if you don't like it you can go and do nasty things to yourself for an hour or so.

Oh yeah, and a word of warning to you luddites still on dial-up the gallery pages may take a while to load as all images load on opening. I know this from personal experience.

Use the link on the left, and don't forget to bookmark it!!


Anonymous said...

Well, congrats on your website! Finally.And yes, Mum's computer still uses dial up. Never mind...

Have fun in Auckland, don't overdo sex (male bonding?) & drugs (hunting???).

Greetings from your loony friend (currently in sunny Germany)!

Anonymous said...
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microphen said...

sorry, failed to pick up the german contingent of this crazy world.

oh look there you are ...