Friday, 21 July 2006

The Apologist

I'm about to head to Auckland for a few weeks - mainly work, but some play, a few galleries, the odd book shop and trendy clothing boutique, maybe some wild drugs and sex, a bit of manly bonding over hunting poor defenseless animals, you know my usual weekend type activity (except for the work bit of course).

I'm leaving you with this nice cheery pic to remember me by. I believe it was snapped from a moving car (I wasn't the driver this time actually thank you very much!) somewhere around Taupo/Ruapehu - I know that's a big area, but I can't really remember without referring back to the film and I can't be bothered doing that just for the sake of clarification.

And a parting thought. This blog thing is kinda weird. I used to get lots of traffic from Hong Kong. Now I'm getting lots of traffic from Iceland - comparatively speaking, hits/head popn etc. Go figure!


a camera in the world said...

Well, that is interesting, I wonder why.......

microphen said...

truly, it's beyond me. but then i've always only pretended that i understand this world. and even then not very convincingly.