Saturday, 18 February 2006

The First?

Well it had to happen really didn't it. I've never been one for original ideas. In fact I think originality is over-rated. So following in the footsteps of the forever groundbreaking Shazza, and her protegee (of sorts) Jodi, I've started my own blog.

Come along, join us for the ride. Start your own blog, put up some photos and we can make a real online community of it. Critique each others work, offer encouragement when you see good work, offer harsh criticism when you see a photo you wish you'd taken, that kind of thing. Saves actually talking in person eh?

So as with Sharyn and Jodi, I'll be throwing up random photos - some nice shots, some favs, some plays, some experiments, some wastes of film, some proper works, some just cos I can. Posts may be infrequent, but they may not.

The journey starts here.

... in a bit.

1 comment:

microphen said...

Crikey you're easily pleased Sharyn. Though I guess neither Jodi or I would be here without you - hence that "protegee of sorts" comment. Even in the time I've known you (nearly 4 years) you've had at least twelve more original thoughts than me.