Sadly we didn't
knock the bastard off. But we did get to the foot of the bastard - the Wharepapa River.
After climbing over two ridges and dropping into two river valleys we figured it would be better to hang out in the second river valley and head back with plenty of time to spare rather than to attempt the peak and risk losing light (and energy) on the way back.
I figured it'd be a 4-5 hour trek to the top, and I wasn't far wrong. What I was wrong about was the physical exertion needed to get to the foot of the bastard.
Still, it was a great day; as any day out amongst the birds and the trees and the rivers and the stinging nettles is.

This was shot from a saddle overlooking where we were headed. However having forgotten to bring the map, we didn't actually know that at the time.

This is the bed of the Wharepapa River, not far from the Wharepapa Hut. Not the nicest river I've seen, but its propensity for violent flooding was readily apparent.

And looking the other way.

What sometimes happens if you stay in one place for long enough is that the low cloud you didn't really want burns off and you start being able to see more.

What sometimes happens if you stay in one place for long enough is that the low cloud you didn't really want burns off and you can actually see where you intended going. However having forgotten to bring the map, we couldn't actually confirm that at the time.

And finally a shot of Papatahi from the ridge above the Wharepapa Hut.
Nice. One day we'll maybe actually knock that bastard off. However it's more likely to be a two dayer. Maybe even a three dayer.
photos remind me of the place I'd like to go once I'm done with exam papers.
well you could go there avila, but i imagine you'll have to change countries first.
still it can be done.
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