Yeah so for my
birthday I bought myself
Seeing as it's a bit of an unwieldly program to get your head around I didn't have much of a play with it until a couple of weeks ago.
That was when I caught up with a local Lightroom whiz and he gave me a quick lesson on how to use the thing.
It is a great program, but for better or worse it's designed for digital shooters (hence the name), and not really made for us film shooters. But we can make it work as an archive.
So for the past few evenings I've been busy
metadataing, captioning and keywording. And they said I was mad being so anally retentive about recording stuff - especially those who ridiculed me when I was overseas carrying around my little notebook writing details of every single photo I took. I knew it would come in handy one day.
Anyway, I've done about 8% of the stuff in the catalogue, which is only about 40% (at most) of the photos I've ever taken (just those I've scanned). But it has made me aware of some little slip ups with my scanning.
For example, I discovered I hadn't scanned four films from this time last year.
Sad. So sad. Cos there's some nice shots there.
Like these ones.