When I took this I dubbed it the "Wharekohu continuous self portrait". It's a fairly self-explanatory title really. It was the first attempt at an idea which never took off. I don't know why it never took off as I think it is an idea which works rather nicely. Yet another patented Andy Palmer subversion of the landscape photograph.
The image was taken in early 2001, when I managed to score myself a few days on Kapiti Island. As is often the case when I stay there, we ended up going to a part of the island I hadn't been to before. This part of the island so inspired me I almost volunteered to go back and base myself there cutting tracks and so on. Needless to say, lazy bugger I am, I didn't.
My mate Nic (who also crops up in some of these frames) got me on to the Kapiti, and down to Wharekohu, then made me get up at some godawful pre-dawn hour to sit in the bush and listen to him play a tape recording of some bloody bird call - kokako from memory. Anyway, tonight I'm heading down south to catch up with Nic, see a bit of the country and probably have him get me up at some godawful pre-dawn hour to sit in a river and listen to him play a tape recording of some bloody bird call - black stilt probably. It'll be fun.
PS: for those of you interested and with fast connections I've uploaded a larger scale image to my website - click on the image to enlarge it.
PPS: by way of clarification, the images are chronological as shot, the first three frames were test shots.